How can I distribute signatures offline ?

Sometimes it might be necessary to make signatures available by other means than login/startup scripts or group policies. You may have users with occasional access to your corporate network, or you want to distribute signatures by e-mail or a web site. Adolsign's makepackage can be useful for offline distribution.


adolsign --makepackage --user myuser --sig standard --addfile corporate.jpg --vcard

The command above

  • creates the signature files standard.txtstandard.htm or standard.rtf (at least one!), by mapping scan codes to Active Directory properties for the user myuser
  • picks up the image file corporate.jpg, assuming that it is used in the standard.htm
  • creates the vcard file standard.vcf
  • packs all of the files above into a tiny installer called myuser_signature_NNNN.exe

You can then make the signature installer available to your user. The signature standard will be available in Outlook, when the installer is run on his/her PC.

Inline images are not displayed in Outlook 2013/2016

By default, Outlook 2013/2016 behaves differently regarding the linked images.  While previous versions of Outlook embed those into the message, Outlook 2013/2016 keeps them linked.

A registry change is required to make sure that Outlook 2013/2016 behaves similar to previous versions:

For Outlook 2013:

Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Options\Mail
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value name; Send Pictures With Document
Value: 1

For Outlook 2016:

Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\Mail
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value name; Send Pictures With Document
Value: 1

See Inline images may display as a Red X in Outlook for more information.

How can I use conditional fields ?

Conditional fields are a convenient way to handle empty values. It is often desireable to drop leading or trailing texts in signatures if a field is not defined or empty in Active Directory. Adolsign supports five directives in field definitions:

--prefix text Adds text in front of the field if it is not empty
--postfix text Adds text at the end of the field if it is not empty
--ignoreline Drops the whole line if the field is empty. NB! option ignoreline has limited support for html signatures (removes br / tag only) and rtf signatures (remove \par tag only).
--default text Use text as default if the field is empty
--case directive ... Use directive for case manipulation. Allowed directives are lowercaseuppercaselowerfirstupperfirst. Multiple directives are allowed and they will be processed in the specified order.
--anchor type Generate HTML code for dynamic links. As an example --anchor http creates an http link.
--format format Formats the value according to the format. As an example, --format "%s%s *** %s%s" produces 12 *** 34 for the value 1234.

Conditional directives can be defined by using the following syntax:

scancode( one or more conditional directives )scancode 


field_telephone( --prefix "Tel: " )field_telephone

Produces Tel: +11111111 if the telephone number is +11111111. Produces nothing if it is empty.

field_department( --prefix "Department: " --ignoreline )field_department

Produces Department: Sales if the department is Sales. Produces nothing and removes the whole line if it is empty.

field_homepage( --default "www.default.com" --case lowercase )field_homepage

Converts the homepage to lowercase. Produces www.default.com if the homepage is not defined.

Can I use other fields in Active Directory ?

Yes. You can use the configuration file adolsign.config for that purpose:

field_login = SamAccountName
field_fullname = FullName
field_firstname = FirstName



You can simply add your mappings to the list above. As an example, if you want to use ipPhone value from Active Directory, simply add the line below:

field_ipphone = ipPhone

You can now use field_ipphone in your signature templates.

How can I use cwRsync between two windows machines within a secure network ?

Assuming that you want to synchronize from directory c:\srcdir on machine WINCLIENT to directory c:\destdir on machine WINSERVER :


  • Install cwRsync Server
  • Start RsyncServer service
  • Make sure that the service account has write access to c:\destdir. You can use Prep a Dir for Upload wizard from start menu.
  • Add a new module to rsyncd.conf :

path = /cygdrive/c/destdir
read only = false
transfer logging = yes



  • Download cwRsync client.
  • Use the command below to initiate rsync communication:

".\bin\rsync" -av /cygdrive/c/srcdir/ WINSERVER::wintest

NB! Keep in mind that the recipe above is suitable for operations within a secure network.

How can I secure connections between linux/unix rsync clients and cwRsync servers ?

On Windows: 

  • Install Copssh and cwRsync server. Use the same service account.
  • Start RsyncServer and OpenSSHD services
  • Activate a user
  • Import your public key via Copssh Control Panel:

    •  Make sure that the user and the service account has write access to c:\backup
    • Add a new module to rsyncd.conf :
path = /cygdrive/c/backup
read only = false
transfer logging = yes


On Linux:

  • Use shell script below after having it updated according to your needs:

echo Establishing secure channel ...
ssh -L $localport:$remoteport $remoteuser@$remotehost -T -N -f

rsync -vrt $sourcedir rsync://localhost:$localport/$rsyncmodule

echo Terminating secure channel ...
ps ax | grep "ssh -L $localport" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -i kill {} 2&>/dev/null

How can I change port number used by rsync server ?

Rsync server uses port 873 by default. You can add port directive to the configuration file rsyncd.conf to specify an alternative port.


port new-port-number


Restart the service.


I want to set up ssh communication without passwords !!

Here is a simple recipe ( NB! This is not a very secure solution, since we use null passphrase during generation of public key pairs, use it at your own risk):

  • cwRsync client. Generate key pairs :

ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f cwrsync -N ""

Files cwrsync and cwrsync.pub will be generated.

  • Transfer cwrsync.pub to your *nix machine.
  • *nix machine. Run following commands:

mkdir -p ~$user/.ssh
cat cwrsync.pub > ~$user/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 755 ~$user ~$user/.ssh
chmod 644 ~$user/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown $user ~$user ~$user/.ssh ~$user/.ssh/authorized_keys

  • cwRsync client. Update your rsync commands in your batch file by specifying option -e "ssh -i cwrsync".

How can I secure connections between cwrsync clients and unix/linux servers ?

cwRsync has all ssh binaries you need to establish ssh communication.

Use batch file example in the cwRsync client package to set up communication correctly.

Why does my cwrsync try to load ssh?

It's trying to fire up ssh because your target has a single colon in it.

server:/path/to/stuff means "fire up ssh or rsh and make me a tunnel to

server::module/path/to/stuff means "try to access an rsync daemon on
server and access path/to/stuff on module"

/path/to/stuff means "access /path/to/stuff on the local machine"

Hope that helps.

by Jim Salter

Rsync does not recognize windows paths in a correct manner !

Windows paths may contain a colon (:) as a part of drive designation and backslashes (example c:\, g:\). However, in rsync syntax, a colon in a path means searching for a remote host.

Solution: use absolute path 'a la unix', replace backslashes (\) with slashes (/) and put -/cygdrive/- in front of the drive letter.

Example :


C:\WORK\* --> /cygdrive/c/work/*

Problem with secrets file

If you're setting up cwrsync to run as a Service on a Windows machine ensure the .conf file has the line:

strict modes = false

otherwise rsync passwords will not work in Windows.

Can cwRsync co-exist if cygwin is already installed ?

YES: Cygwin 1.7 binaries used by Cwrsync allow co-existence of multiple Cygwin implementations.

Permissions on files/directories are cluttered/mixed up !

If you run into permissions problems or your directories' security ACLs are populated by some unwanted groups/users, you need to make sure that:

  • File ../etc/fstab  exists with at least the content below (with Unix line endings even if the file has only one line!):

none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,posix=0,user,noacl 0 0

That will instruct Cygwin not to touch permissions.


NB! You may experience very slow transfer rates and/or building the file list may take long time. You can remove /etc/fstab and use the option --no-perms  option instead. The problem can also be related to real-time anti-virus scanning. Consider file/folder exclusion if possible.


More information:

The Cygwin Mount Table

The cygdrive path prefix

How can I use rsync to pull files from windows to linux/unix within a secure network ?

Assuming that you want to pull directory c:\backup on machine WIN_SOURCE to directory /var/backup on machine LINUX_DEST :


- Install cwRsync Server (without openssh component)
- Start RsyncServer service
- Add a new module to rsyncd.conf :



path = /cygdrive/c/backup
read only = true
transfer logging = yes

- Use the command below to initiate rsync:

rsync -av WIN_SOURCE::backup /var/backup

NB! Keep in mind that the recipe above is suitable for operations within a secure network.


Can rsync transfer security/ownership information between two windows machines ?

cwRsync itself has no support for it. However, after an rsync operation, you can use Robocopy (standard in more recent Windows versions), to transfer all windows specific file information (NTFS security, timestamps, attributes, ownership, auditing info):

ROBOCOPY source destination /XO /XN /XC /E /COPY:ATSOU


options /XO (exclude older), /XN (exclude newer) and /XC (exclude changed) assure that only existing files are targeted. Option /E is for recursive directory operation including empty ones. Option /COPY:ATSOU instructs Robocopy to copy only attributes (A), timestamps (T), NTFS security information (S), Ownership O) and auditing (U).

cwRsync client is too slow!

Try to remove /etc/fstab and use the option --no-perms  option instead. The problem can also be related to real-time anti-virus scanning. Consider file/folder exclusion if possible.

I can't use long path names

From Windows Developer network:

“In the Windows API (with some exceptions discussed in the following paragraphs), the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters. A local path is structured in the following order: drive letter, colon, backslash, name components separated by backslashes, and a terminating null character. For example, the maximum path on drive D is "D:\some 256-character path string<NUL>" where "<NUL>" represents the invisible terminating null character for the current system codepage. (The characters < > are used here for visual clarity and cannot be part of a valid path string.)

The Windows API has many functions that also have Unicode versions to permit an extended-length path for a maximum total path length of 32,767 characters. This type of path is composed of components separated by backslashes, each up to the value returned in the lpMaximumComponentLength parameter of the GetVolumeInformation function (this value is commonly 255 characters). To specify an extended-length path, use the "\\?\" prefix. For example, "\\?\D:\very long path".”


Even if the underlying APIs may have support for really long paths, the problem occurs due to user interface tools like Windows Explorer, Cmd prompt and PowerShell which don't support Unicode variants of the Windows APIs. The result is then path names up to 256 chars. As of version 1.7, Cygwin uses unicode Windows APIs, you can use tools like bash shell or nano editor for management of files/paths with long names.

Log example for cwRsync transfer with long path names:

2014/03/25 22:08:42 >f+++++++++ backup/0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789

How can I pull files from windows to linux/unix within a secure network ?

Assuming that you want to pull directory c:\backup on Windows machine to /var/backup on Linux machine:

On Windows machine :

  • Install Cwrsync Server
  • Start RsyncServer service
  • Add a new module to the configuration file rsyncd.conf :

path = /cygdrive/c/backup
read only = true
transfer logging = yes

On Linux machine :

  • Use the command below to initiate rsync:

rsync -vrt windows_machine::backup /var/backup

NB! Keep in mind that the recipe above is suitable for operations within a secure network.

How can I make pre-exec and post-exec work ?

As of version 2.6.7, rsync server can kick scripts before and after transfers. You can use the recipe below to implement this very handy functionality in cwrsync server:

  1. Install Copssh and Cwrsync Server.
  2. Start a windows command shell from cwrsync start menu and make a copy of bash.exe as sh.exe in the bin directory.

    copy bin\bash.exe bin\sh.exe
  3. Create two script files in the bin directory for pre-exec operations:

    c:\program files\ICW\bin\pre-exec.sh

    # Shell script for your pre-exec operations
    cmd /c "c:\program files\ICW\bin\pre-exec.cmd"
    exit 0

    c:\program files\ICW\bin\pre-exec.cmd

  4. Create two script files for post-exec operations as described above.
  5. Update your rsyncd.conf file:

    # Module definitions

    path = .....
    pre-xfer exec = /bin/pre-exec.sh
    post-xfer exec = /bin/post-exec.sh


Why is it called cwRsync?

Use of vocals would be inappropriate (!) as the word rsync has no vocals in it, and this package is also dependent on Cygwin:




How can I secure connections between Windows rsync clients and cwRsync servers ?

 Install cwRsync Server and Copssh into the same directory. 

  • Start RsyncServer and OpenSSHD services
  • Activate a user (test1 in our example below) via Copssh control panel and specify c:\backup as home directory.
  • Add a new module to rsyncd.conf :
path = /cygdrive/c/backup
read only = false
transfer logging = yes



  • Download cwRsync client
  • Create a batch file for automation (the example below copies contents of c:\windows\fonts\s* to the  directory behind the rsync module test  at the server side via a secure ssh tunnel:
SET CWRSYNC_DIR=C:\cwrsync_client_x64
SET SOURCEDIR=/cygdrive/c/windows/fonts/s*

echo Establish secure channel ...

"%CWRSYNC_DIR%\bin\rsync" -vrt %SOURCEDIR% "rsync://localhost:%LOCALPORT%/%RSYNCMODULE%"

echo Terminate secure channel ...

How to handle large log files effectively ?

 Try to append the option tail to the logpath parameter of your jail definition. Win2ban will then start to read from the end of the file instead of from the beginnning. Visit Fail2ban man page https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/5-jail.conf and search for tail for more information.

How can I configure Win2ban for Windows Remote desktop/Network logons?

  • Protecting RDP/Network logins against brute force attacks is enabled as default. 
  • Start services win2ban_winlogbeat and win2ban_fail2ban


Sample /var/log/fail2ban.log

2018-04-06 15:31:41,113 fail2ban.server         : INFO    Starting Fail2ban v0.10.2
2018-04-06 15:31:41,193 fail2ban.database       : INFO    Connected to fail2ban persistent database '/var/lib/fail2ban/fail2ban.sqlite3'
2018-04-06 15:31:41,197 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Creating new jail 'copssh'
2018-04-06 15:31:41,205 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Jail 'copssh' uses poller {}
2018-04-06 15:31:41,205 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Initiated 'polling' backend
2018-04-06 15:31:41,207 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      maxLines: 1
2018-04-06 15:31:41,233 fail2ban.server         : INFO    Jail copssh is not a JournalFilter instance
2018-04-06 15:31:41,235 fail2ban.filter         : INFO    Added logfile: '/winlogbeat/logs/eventlog' (pos = 36044, hash = 4bd8f42a7d4b980d2921fe03ed7ffaf1)
2018-04-06 15:31:41,236 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      maxRetry: 2
2018-04-06 15:31:41,236 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      encoding: UTF-8
2018-04-06 15:31:41,237 fail2ban.actions        : INFO      banTime: 600
2018-04-06 15:31:41,237 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      findtime: 600
2018-04-06 15:31:41,239 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Creating new jail 'win2ban-network-logon'
2018-04-06 15:31:41,239 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Jail 'win2ban-network-logon' uses poller {}
2018-04-06 15:31:41,239 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Initiated 'polling' backend
2018-04-06 15:31:41,242 fail2ban.filter         : INFO    Added logfile: '/winlogbeat/logs/eventlog' (pos = 0, hash = 4bd8f42a7d4b980d2921fe03ed7ffaf1)
2018-04-06 15:31:41,243 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      maxRetry: 2
2018-04-06 15:31:41,243 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      encoding: UTF-8
2018-04-06 15:31:41,243 fail2ban.actions        : INFO      banTime: 600
2018-04-06 15:31:41,244 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      findtime: 600
2018-04-06 15:31:41,246 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Jail 'copssh' started
2018-04-06 15:31:41,248 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Jail 'win2ban-network-logon' started
2018-04-06 15:32:32,709 fail2ban.filter         : INFO     Found - 2018-04-06 15:32:29
2018-04-06 15:32:39,423 fail2ban.filter         : INFO     Found - 2018-04-06 15:32:36
2018-04-06 15:32:40,189 fail2ban.actions        : NOTICE   Ban
2018-04-06 15:42:37,563 fail2ban.actions        : NOTICE   Unban

How can I configure Win2ban for brute force attacks against Copssh ?

  • Protecting Copssh against brute force attacks is enabled as default. 
  • Start services win2ban_winlogbeat and win2ban_fail2ban 


Sample /var/log/fail2ban.log

2018-04-05 23:54:28,411 fail2ban.server         : INFO    --------------------------------------------------
2018-04-05 23:54:28,411 fail2ban.server         : INFO    Starting Fail2ban v0.10.2
2018-04-05 23:54:28,442 fail2ban.database       : INFO    Connected to fail2ban persistent database '/var/lib/fail2ban/fail2ban.sqlite3'
2018-04-05 23:54:28,446 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Creating new jail 'copssh'
2018-04-05 23:54:28,447 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Jail 'copssh' uses poller {}
2018-04-05 23:54:28,447 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Initiated 'polling' backend
2018-04-05 23:54:28,448 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      maxLines: 1
2018-04-05 23:54:28,467 fail2ban.server         : INFO    Jail copssh is not a JournalFilter instance
2018-04-05 23:54:28,468 fail2ban.filter         : INFO    Added logfile: '/winlogbeat/logs/eventlog' (pos = 19020, hash = c54619552ccd10f356c0810faec6cdba)
2018-04-05 23:54:28,468 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      maxRetry: 2
2018-04-05 23:54:28,469 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      encoding: UTF-8
2018-04-05 23:54:28,469 fail2ban.actions        : INFO      banTime: 600
2018-04-05 23:54:28,470 fail2ban.filter         : INFO      findtime: 600
2018-04-05 23:54:28,472 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Jail 'copssh' started
2018-04-05 23:55:20,525 fail2ban.filter         : INFO     Found - 2018-04-05 23:55:19
2018-04-05 23:55:23,787 fail2ban.filter         : INFO     Found - 2018-04-05 23:55:22
2018-04-05 23:55:23,953 fail2ban.actions        : NOTICE   Ban
2018-04-05 23:58:22,875 fail2ban.actions        : NOTICE   Unban
2018-04-06 00:54:57,531 fail2ban.server         : INFO    Shutdown in progress...
2018-04-06 00:54:57,531 fail2ban.server         : INFO    Stopping all jails
2018-04-06 00:54:57,532 fail2ban.filter         : INFO    Removed logfile: '/winlogbeat/logs/eventlog'
2018-04-06 00:54:58,328 fail2ban.jail           : INFO    Jail 'copssh' stopped
2018-04-06 00:54:58,332 fail2ban.database       : INFO    Connection to database closed.
2018-04-06 00:54:58,333 fail2ban.server         : INFO    Exiting Fail2ban

How can I unban IP-address(es) manually

Initiate win2ban-shell  at the root of the installation directory 


Command to unban specific addresses:

fail2ban-client unban ip-address ip-address ...


Command to unban all IP-addresses:

fail2ban-client unban --all

How can I verify if a ban rule is in effect for a specific jail ?

Initiate win2ban-shell  at the root of the installation directory and issue the command below (example jail win2ban-network-logon):


$ fail2ban-client status win2ban-network-logon

Status for the jail: win2ban-network-logon

|- Filter

|  |- Currently failed: 1

|  |- Total failed:     5

|  `- File list:        /winlogbeat/logs/eventlog

`- Actions

   |- Currently banned: 1

   |- Total banned:     2

   `- Banned IP list:


The related firewall rule(s) can be displayed by using the following Powershell command:

get-netfirewallrule -all | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "win2ban*"} | Format-Table

Name                                   DisplayName                  DisplayGroup Enabled Profile Direction Action

----                                   -----------                  ------------ ------- ------- --------- ------ 

{F9BAA4EB-D8A8-48C7-9205-D3246D70F990} win2ban - ban              True    Any     Inbound   Block

How to monitor Nagwin itself ?

As you use Nagwin to monitor other hosts, you may wonder how the Nagwin itself can be monitored. This can be achieved by checking status.dat file age and existence of key processes. Here is a recipe to establish an out-of-band monitoring of Nagwin:

  • Make sure that your Nagwin installation is configured to send notifications. See FAQ for instructions.
  • Create bin/check_nagwin.sh script with the content below (Unix-format):
# customize - start
# customize - end
instroot=$(cygpath -m /)
mkdir -p $logdir
logfile=$logdir/$(date +"%d").log
echo "***" `date` >> $logfile
# Function to report failure, message body as argument
CheckFail ()
printf "$1" | /bin/blat - -to $to -f $from -subject "Nagwin is not operational" -server $server >> $logfile
exit 1
# Function to check a process, process name and expected number of instances as arguments
CheckProcess ()
/plugins/check_winprocess --filter "imagename eq $1.exe" --compare lt --critical $2 >> $logfile
if (($? > 0)); then
CheckFail "Must be at least $2 $1 process(es) running."
# check status.dat age
/plugins/check_winfile --target "$instroot/var/opt/nagios/status.dat" --filter "age lt -15 minutes" --critical 1 --compare eq >> $logfile
if (($? > 0)); then
CheckFail "Nagios status.dat getting old."

# check processes

CheckProcess nagios 4
CheckProcess lighttpd 1
printf "\n" >> $logfile

You need to customize mail configuration (red) according to your setup. The script above checks if status.dat is updated within the last 15 minutes and if key processes are running with an expected number of intances. It will send an e-mail if any of the criteria are not met. Results from checks will be logged in /var/log/check_nagwin directory in a rotating manner for days of a month.

  • Create a Windows scheduled task by using the following command:

schtasks /create /sc minute /mo 15 /tn check-nagwin /tr "nagwin-inst-dir\bin\bash.exe -c /bin/check_nagwin.sh"

This command will create the scheduled task check-nagwin running the script above each 15 minutes.

How can I get notified by e-mail in Nagwin ?

Nagwin has blat smtp mailer included. The first step is to let blat save your smtp server settings for later use:


bin/blat -SaveSettings -f from-address -server your.smtp.server -u login -pw password


  • You need also to specify your e-mail address for the contact nagiosadmin in etc/nagios/nagwin/contacts.cfg:

define contact{
        contact_name   nagiosadmin ; .....
        use generic-contact ; .....
        alias  Nagios Admin ; .....

        email ******@******    ; << CHANGE THIS TO YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS


  • As a last step, You need to update smtp server information in two notification commands etc/nagios/nagwin/commands.cfg:

# 'notify-host-by-email' command definition
define command{
    command_name    notify-host-by-email
    command_line    /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nState: $HOSTSTATE$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nInfo: $HOSTOUTPUT$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n" | /bin/blat - -to $CONTACTEMAIL$ -subject "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host Alert: $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$ **" -server smtp.server

# 'notify-service-by-email' command definition
define command{
    command_name    notify-service-by-email
    command_line    /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\n\nService: $SERVICEDESC$\nHost: $HOSTALIAS$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nState: $SERVICESTATE$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n\nAdditional Info:\n\n$SERVICEOUTPUT$\n" | /bin/blat - -to $CONTACTEMAIL$ -subject "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Service Alert: $HOSTALIAS$/$SERVICEDESC$ is $SERVICESTATE$ **" -server smtp.server

Replace smtp.server by name/ip of your smtp server (your Exchange server for example). Make sure that your smtp server is configured to accept smtp requests from Nagwin machine.

  • Restart the Nagwin_Nagios service to apply changes.


You can issue the command below to test if your mail notification works:

echo "Test message" | bin\blat - -to mail@address -f from@address -subject "Test mail" -server smtp.server



How can I change the password of nagiosadmin user?

  • Open a DOS command prompt
  • Change working directory to the Nagwin installation directory\bin 
  • Run the following command to update the password:


htpasswd2 -b /etc/lighttpd/htpasswd nagiosadmin new-password

How can I use Winrpe without SSL ?

  • You may be interested in using Winrpe without SSL as the NRPE communication flows through other secure channels like vpns or port forwarders.


    • On the monitored host with Winrpe: Update file etc\xinetd.d\nrpe and add option -n to server_args parameter:

    # default: on
    # description: NRPE
    service nrpe
    type = UNLISTED
    flags = REUSE
    port = 5666
    socket_type = stream        
    wait = no
    user = SvcXinet
    server = /bin/nrpe
    server_args = -n -c /nrpe.cfg --inetd
    log_on_failure += USERID
    disable = no
    # only_from       = <ipaddress1> <ipaddress2> ...

    • On the monitoring host: Add the option -n to your check_nrpe commands.

How can I install Winrpe silently ?

  • Winrpe can be installed silently by using the switches below:

    (Pre-5.2.x) Winrpe_x.x.x_Installer.exe /u=user /p=password /S

    where user/password specify the service account credentials

    (5.2.x or later) Winrpe_x.x.x_Installer.exe /S

    You can also specify a new installation directory by the /D switch:

    Winrpe_x.x.x_Installer.exe ..... /D=C:\test\winrpe

Connection fails with "no matching host key type found." message

The problem may be related to the potentially incompatible changes introduced in OpenSSH 6.7  (included in Copssh 5 and higher) to remove unsafe algorithms.

  • If you run Copssh 5.8.1 or higher, you can update the configuration via GUI: Copssh Control Panel - Configuration - Advanced - HostKeyAlgorithms or alternatively, you can add following line to the section of the configuration file control/bin/copsshcp.config:


  • Restart the service via Copssh Control Panel

How to make copssh service dependent on other services ?

  • Dependent on software or configuration issues on your PC, copssh service may sometimes not start properly. The problem can be a service, a device helper, anti virus, firewall and so on, interferencing operations of the copssh service.

     A possible solution is to delay the service startup until the problem services are started successfully. You can use the procedure below to make copssh service dependent on MyService:


    • Create the following REG_MULTI_SZ value in the registry if it doesn't exist before:


    • Add MyService to the registry value created above. It is possible to specify multiple entries separated by space.
    • Restart your PC.

How can I protect Copssh against brute force attacks ?

You can use our Win2ban which is a Fail2ban implementation for Windows with Elastic Winlogbeat as the eventlog shipper. Check the related Win2ban FAQ for details: How can I configure Win2ban for brute force attacks against Copssh ?

Connection fails with "no matching cipher found" message

The problem may be related to the potentially incompatible changes introduced in OpenSSH 6.7  (included in Copssh 5 and higher) to remove unsafe algorithms.

If you run Copssh 5.8.1 or higher, you can update the configuration via GUI:

Copssh Control Panel - Configuration - Advanced - Ciphers

  • Alternatively, you can add following line to the section of the configuration file control/bin/copsshcp.config before starting Copssh Control Panel:


  • Restart the service via Copssh Control Panel

Connection fails with "Fatal: Unable to negotiate a key exchange method" message

The problem may be related to the potentially incompatible changes introduced in OpenSSH 6.7 (included in Copssh 5 and higher) to remove unsafe algorithms.

  • If you run Copssh 5.8.1 or higher, you can update the configuration via GUI - Configuration -> Advanced -> KexAlgorithms, set value to +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
  • Alternatively, you can add following line to the section of the configuration file control/bin/copsshcp.config before starting Copssh Control Panel:


  • Restart the service via Copssh Control Panel

Which user privileges are required by a Copssh service account ?

Copssh versions 7 and higher use local system account as the service account and no further adjustments are necessary.

However, you may still prefer to use a dedicated service account (domain account for example). Make sure that the service account is member of local  Administrators group and have following user rights:





Tools to set user rights: Domain Group Policy Management for domain members, Local Security Policy (secpol.msc) for local computers

I can't login as an ordinary user !

**NB: This FAQ doesn't apply to Copssh 4.3.1 and up as they handle the problem automatically. You may still need to fix it on DCs for example.

By default, normal users are not allowed to log on locally on domain controllers. Same restrictions may also apply for other Windows systems . User right Allow log on locally needs to be delegated for proper login.

One-time procedure:

  1. Create a security group for COPSSH users.
  2. Add your group to the list of authorized credentials for the required user right:

Administrative Tools--> Domain Controller Security Policy for domain controllers or Local Security Policy for other Windows systems) --> Local Policies--> User Rights Assignment--> Allow Log on locally

For every ordinary copssh user:

  1. Make the user a member of the group mentioned above.
  2. Activate user in Copssh control panel

I want to use my own PKA key pair instead of the one generated by copssh!

  •  Activate a user via Copssh control panel
  • Import your public key via Control Panel (your public key must have three fields - key type, key itself and a comment):
  • Copssh Control Panel - User - Keys - Import

Copssh Control Panel - User - Keys - Import

  •  Your Copssh server is ready to accept PKA based on your keys.

Can I change the location of home directories ?

Copssh Control Panel User activation wizard allows you to specify a home directory of your own choice:

 Copssh Control Panel - User Activation Wizard - Home directory


I want to set up ssh communication without passwords !!

Activate a user and create a PKA key pair with empty passphrase via Copssh control panel:

Copssh Control Panel - User - Keys

 Copssh Control Panel - Users - Keys

  • You can take your private key with you and initiate passwordless connections from other machines. An example to start ssh shell:

ssh -i my.key user@copssh_host


NB! Your private key is NOT protected by a passphrase and can be used by anyone. Keep it safe!

How can I limit users' access to their home directories only ?

  • Activate a user and select access type Sftp via Copssh control panel. Access type Sftp instructs Control Panel to make required arrangements for a chrooted environment.
  • Activation of a new user with access type SFTP: 

Copssh Control Panel - User Activation Wizard - Access Type - Sftp


  • Change access type of an already activated user to SFTP (You may need to restart the service in some occasions)

 User Activation Wizard - Users -Access Type - SFTP



    I can't install copssh on a localized version of windows !

    • **UPDATED** Copssh Control Panel introduced in version 4 has solved that problem. Previous Copssh versions and copsshadm command line tool still have that problem.

      This is a known error related to the localized names of the groups administrators and users. There is no solution yet. However, You can use the workaround below:

      •  Rename localized equivalents of the groups administrators and users to something readable in latin (can be done via Administrative Tools->Computer Management->Local Users and Groups for example)
      • Run copssh installer
      • Rename the groups above back to their original values.

    How can I activate users/groups and set up public keys ?

     Activating users/groups can be done in multiple ways:

    • Using AllowUsers/AlowGroups directives globally - requires that user does have a Windows profile directory 

    • Create a match block for a specific user/group (you can use directory isolation to specify a specific directory instead of user profile directory)



    Copying public key can be done via Tools -> Copy public key. It uses the tool ssh-copy-id. You can use localhost to contact the copssh server.


    How can I make a clean install without losing the existing setup ?

     In some situations, it may be necessary to make a clean install to make an upgrade work. You can do it by following steps below:

    • Backup your host keys in etc directory (etc/ssh_host*)
    • Uninstall the existing version of Copssh
    • Remove remnants of the installation directory except home directories if they exist
    • Make sure that the service account and the sshd account are removed
    • Install new Copssh
    • Restore host keys back to etc directory
    • Start Copssh Control Panel and verify that the service is running
    • Activate your users again and specify their existing home directories as the home directory during the activation

    How do I access files/drives/resources outside the Copssh root directory?

      • Start a bash shell, locally or remotely
      • Change to the user's home directory if it is not already done
      • Link a directory or network share to a local name by using ln command


    ln -s "/cygdrive/d/pub/" "pub"

     creates a link from D:\pub to pub in the user's home directory.

     ln -s "//myserver/netdata" "netdata"

     creates a link from \\myserver\netdata to netdata in the user's home directory.

    Now, the user can use pub and netdata to access D:\pub and/or \\myserver\netdata respectively.

    How can I run Openssh daemon in debug mode ?

    • Sometimes it may be necessary to see directly how the openssh daemon reacts to startup or connection requests, to be able to locate daemon-related problems. 


      • Stop Openssh SSHD (system name:OpenSSHServer) service
      • Right click Start a Unix Bash Shell from Copssh start menu (assuming that you have admin privileges)
      • Enter the following command from the bash prompt:

      /bin/sshd -p <listening port> -D -d -e

      This will start openssh daemon in standalone debug mode and messages will be displayed on the screen. You may specify up to three -d for increased output verbosity.

      • Try to initate a putty session and watch messages at the server side.

    Copssh stops to work after a Windows update

    The problem can be related to address changes of Windows DLLs after a Windows update operation. That behaviour may create collisions for more static Cygwin DLLs, especially in a 32-bit environment. We suggest to reboot the system as a first measure. You may need to install Copssh again by using our recipe which allows to keep an existing configuration intact. Consider to install the 64-bit version (available only in the product edition) if the problem still persists.

    How do I improve the security of Copssh ?

    • Some recommendations (not all of them can be applicable in your case, no sorting by importance):

      Recommendation Benefits/Side effects How
      Change port 22 to something non-standard Reduces your vulnerability surface dramatically by taking a well-known parameter out of equation, not applicable if you have a general purpose server. Security by obscurity ? Yes. However, there are many script kiddies out there bombing port 22 wherever they find. Conf.file etc\sshd_configport
      Reduce the maximum number of concurrent unauthenticated con-
      Reduces your vulnerability surface by allowing a smaller number of potentialy dangerous attacks simultaneously. Conf.file etc\sshd_configMaxStartups (default 10)
      Turn off authentication by password. Use public key authentication instead. Eliminates the most widely used technique of potential attacks: cracking passwords.

      Conf.file etc\sshd_configPasswordAuthentication no

      (default yes)

      Restrict access by host Use your firewall setting to limit hosts authorized for access


      Restrict access by user/group  

      Conf.file etc\sshd_config:


    Why is it called copssh?

    • I am fond of fancy and short names :-))


      Cygwin + OPENSSH is a qualified guess !!

    What are licensing terms ?

    Our licenses are perpetual (non-expiring), authorizing the customer to use a specific version of the software indefinitely. The license is paid for once and does not need to be renewed.


    How does maintenance work ?

    Maintenance is valid for the period purchased, and includes a download link and access to https://support.itefix.net

    Download link will always point to the latest version available. That way, you can keep your installations up to date.


    What options are available for resellers ?

    As a reseller you can buy the product via our webshop, by selecting the Reseller option. You will then be asked to provide an e-mail of your customer to send license keys, login and download information.

    Are renewals/subcriptions available ?

    Our licences are perpetual and it is possible to purchase maintenance (support & upgrades) up to 3 years, meaning that we don't offer renewals or subscriptions. You need to purchase the product with a desired maintenance duration upfront.

    What do I get upon a successful purchase ?

    Upon a successful purchase, you will receive an e-mail with the deliverables below:

    • Download link. This link will always point the latest version available.
    • License key
    • Access to https://support.itefix.net by your e-mail address

    Access to downloads/support system will expire after the maintenance period purchased.

    Release announcements