
Connection fails with "no matching host key type found." message

The problem may be related to the potentially incompatible changes introduced in OpenSSH 6.7  (included in Copssh 5 and higher) to remove unsafe algorithms.

Why is it called copssh?

  • I am fond of fancy and short names :-))


    Cygwin + OPENSSH is a qualified guess !!

How do I improve the security of Copssh ?

  • Some recommendations (not all of them can be applicable in your case, no sorting by importance):

How to make copssh service dependent on other services ?

  • Dependent on software or configuration issues on your PC, copssh service may sometimes not start properly. The problem can be a service, a device helper, anti virus, firewall and so on, interferencing operations of the copssh service.

     A possible solution is to delay the service startup until the problem services are started successfully. You can use the procedure below to make copssh service dependent on MyService:


How can I run Openssh daemon in debug mode ?

  • Sometimes it may be necessary to see directly how the openssh daemon reacts to startup or connection requests, to be able to locate daemon-related problems. 


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