Install cwRsync Server and Copssh into the same directory.
- Start RsyncServer and OpenSSHD services
- Activate a user (test1 in our example below) via Copssh control panel and specify c:\backup as home directory.
- Add a new module to rsyncd.conf :
[backup] path = /cygdrive/c/backup read only = false transfer logging = yes
- Download cwRsync client
- Create a batch file for automation (the example below copies contents of c:\windows\fonts\s* to the directory behind the rsync module test at the server side via a secure ssh tunnel:
@ECHO OFF SET CWRSYNC_DIR=C:\cwrsync_client_x64 SET CHANNEL_ID=Secure_Channel_ABC SET LOCALPORT=9119 SET REMOTEPORT=873 SET REMOTEHOST= SET REMOTEUSER=lab1user SET RSYNCMODULE=test SET SOURCEDIR=/cygdrive/c/windows/fonts/s* echo Establish secure channel ... start "%CHANNEL_ID%" /MIN %CWRSYNC_DIR%\bin\ssh -L %LOCALPORT%: %REMOTEUSER%@%REMOTEHOST% -T -N -f "%CWRSYNC_DIR%\bin\rsync" -vrt %SOURCEDIR% "rsync://localhost:%LOCALPORT%/%RSYNCMODULE%" echo Terminate secure channel ... taskkill /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %CHANNEL_ID%"