1. Create host file www.itefix.net.cfg in etc/nagios/nagwin directory with the content below:
# Define a hostgroup for web servers define hostgroup{ hostgroup_name web-servers ; The name of the hostgroup alias Web Servers ; Long name of the group } # Define a host for www.itefix.net define host{ use linux-server host_name www.itefix.net alias ITeF!x website address hostgroups web-servers } # Services define service { use generic-service ; defined in templates host_name www.itefix.net service_description http on itefix.no check_command check_http!www.itefix.net ; defined in commands } define service { use generic-service ; defined in templates host_name www.itefix.net service_description ping on itefix.no check_command check-host-alive ; defined in commands } |
2. Restart Nagwin_Nagios service and check results via web interface: