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Can I use other fields in Active Directory ?

Yes. You can use the configuration file adolsign.config for that purpose:

field_login = SamAccountName
field_fullname = FullName
field_firstname = FirstName



You can simply add your mappings to the list above. As an example, if you want to use ipPhone value from Active Directory, simply add the line below:

field_ipphone = ipPhone

You can now use field_ipphone in your signature templates.

How can I distribute signatures offline ?

Sometimes it might be necessary to make signatures available by other means than login/startup scripts or group policies. You may have users with occasional access to your corporate network, or you want to distribute signatures by e-mail or a web site. Adolsign's makepackage can be useful for offline distribution.


adolsign --makepackage --user myuser --sig standard --addfile corporate.jpg --vcard

The command above

Inline images are not displayed in Outlook 2013/2016

By default, Outlook 2013/2016 behaves differently regarding the linked images.  While previous versions of Outlook embed those into the message, Outlook 2013/2016 keeps them linked.

A registry change is required to make sure that Outlook 2013/2016 behaves similar to previous versions:

For Outlook 2013:

Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Options\Mail
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value name; Send Pictures With Document
Value: 1

Release news

2025-03-09 Nagwin 5.7.0
2025-03-09 Wlighttpd 1.4.1
2025-02-26 itmux 1.0.2
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