Submitted by itefix on
RandomPassword function can be used to create random passwords in PowerShell based environments. It accepts a password length and an optional pattern (full or partial). A random pattern will be created or added if not specified. You can use patterns to make sure that your passwords has a guaranteed password complexity.
# 8-char password with a random pattern RandomPassword -length 8 # 12-char with a partial start pattern "ULNS": # one uppercase, one lowercase, one numeric, one specific # the last six pattern classes will be generated in random RandomPassword -length 12 -pattern "ULNS" # 10-char with a full pattern "LLLLSUUUUN": # four lowercase, one special, four uppercase and one numeric RandomPassword -length 10 -pattern "LLLLSUUUUN"
##### # RandomPassword: Create a random password # with a specified length and optional pattern function RandomPassword { param ( $length, $pattern # optional ) # Define classes of character pools, there are four classes # by default: L - lowercase, U - uppercase, N - numeric, # S - special $pattern_class = @("L", "U", "N", "S") # Character pools for classes defined above $charpool = @{ "L" = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; "U" = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; "N" = "1234567890"; "S" = "!#%&" } $rnd = New-Object System.Random # Introduce a random delay to avoid same random seed # during frequent calls Start-Sleep -milliseconds $rnd.Next(500) # Create a random pattern if pattern is not defined or # fill the remaining if the pattern length is less than # password length if (!$pattern -or $pattern.length -lt $length) { if (!$pattern) { $pattern = "" $start = 0 } else { $start = $pattern.length - 1 } # Create a random pattern for ($i=$start; $i -lt $length; $i++) { $pattern += $pattern_class } # DEBUG: write-host "Random pattern : $pattern" } $password = "" for ($i=0; $i -lt $length; $i++) { $wpool = $charpool$pattern] $password += $wpool } return $password } # Examples # 8-char password with a random pattern RandomPassword -length 8 # 12-char with a partial start pattern "ULNS": # one uppercase, one lowercase, one numeric, one specific # the last six pattern classes will be generated in random RandomPassword -length 12 -pattern "ULNS" # 10-char with a full pattern "LLLLSUUUUN": # four lowercase, one special, four uppercase and one numeric RandomPassword -length 10 -pattern "LLLLSUUUUN" |