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Supported platforms : Vista/2008/7/2012/8/2016/10/2019

Logwot8 is available as a zip file containing an installer. Simply unzip your downloaded copy and run the package "logwot8_x.x.x_Installer.exe" :

  1. Accept License agreement.
  2. Specify an installation location.
  3. Installation starts. By clicking 'Details' button, you can get more detailed information about installation. Check if everything seems ok.


The batch file logwot8.cmd starting logrotate in a proper environment is located at the root of the installation directory. It can also be used to schedule logrotate. You need to update the configuration file logwot8.cfg according to your needs. In addition, you need to replace the value smtp.server in the script bin/mail, which uses blat to implement a mailer functionality required by logrotate.

Please consult html documentation available from the start menu for the powerful configuration options. Online documentation can also be found here.


Remove the installation directory.


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