Distribution packages created by Adolsign 2.4 are cabaple of setting the default signature. You can simply use command line options --newdefault and/or --replydefault to trigger that functionality. It is also possible to specify the name/location of a distribution package by using the new option --packagename. Example:
adolsign --sig corporate --new --reply --user test --packagename c:\packages\test
will create c:\packages\test.exe, which will generate signature corporate and set it as the default signature for new/reply messages for the user test when it is run by the user.
Adolsign 2.4 introduces the option --targetdirectory, allowing you to explicitly specify the location of the signatures directory. Even if Adolsign is capable of doing that job, it may be necessary with a manual override in certain circumstances. One other feature introduced in the new version is to process signatures in the configuration file in the order they are defined.
Existing customers can download the latest version from their customer pages at www.itefix.net.