Gitwepo - Secure Git Repository for Windows

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Gitwepo is a secure Git repository solution for Windows. It is a packaging of Gogs, Git, OpenSSH client, Lighttpd and Cygwin, to provide a standalone system ready to serve Git repositories on Windows.

Gogs is a Go-based and self-hosted Git service providing many of the same features available in cloud-based Git services such as GitLab or GitHub. Git is the most widely used version control system having a distributed architecture designed with performance, security and flexibility in mind. OpenSSH is a free version of the SSH protocol suite of network connectivity tools. It encrypts all traffic (including passwords) to effectively eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other network-level attacks. Lighttpd is a secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web server that has been optimized for high-performance environments. Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows. It consists of a DLL, which emulates substantial Linux API functionality, and a collection of tools.


Itefix provides a virtual test lab in where you can try our products with full functionality.

  • At the moment we have 8 hosts (Windows 11, 10, 7 and Windows servers 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012R2, 2008 R2).
  • Our lab has no Internet access.
  • Itefix software is available via a network share at the desktop. You need to install the software of your choice yourself. 
  • You have also access to some popular 3rd party software to test client scenarios.
  • You can also request multiple test machines to test network scenarios (one per OS type).
Access instructions will be sent to this address.


Gitwepo comes as a ZIP file containing an NSIS installer. Simply unzip your downloaded copy and run the installer :

  1. Accept License agreement.
  2. Specify an installation location.
  3. Installation starts.
  4. Upon completion, the installer will ask to start services and start the Gogs interface


The installer will set up services gitwepo_gogs and gitwepo_lighttpd 



Gogs interface will be available at https://localhost:



 You need to:

  • Register the first Gogs user which will have administrator privileges automatically.
  • Change the served hostname from localhost to something else in the etc/lighttpd.conf, so that the Gogs interface will be remotely available on that address. The lighttpd server comes with a a self signed certificate and redirects http to https for non-local requests.
  • Configure Gogs service by updating gogs/custom/conf/app.ini. By default, the service is available via HTTP/SSH at localhost and keeps configuration, repositories and logs in the gogs directory.
  • Update firewall rules so that HTTPS (443) and SSH (22) requests can be served.
  • Restart services.
  • (Optional) Replace the self-signed ssl certificate by your own.
  • Create Git repositories via the Gogs interface.


Useful links:

Gogs configuration cheat sheet

Lighttpd wiki


Release announcements