itefix's blog

Live backup of QEMU/KVM/libVirt virtual machines via Duplicity

The script below can be used to implement an efficient, secure and live backup of QEMU/KVM/libVirt virtual machines via Duplicity. It accepts the domain name and mode (snapshot/suspend) parameters and can handle offline domains and multiple disks as well. XML domain definition is also made as a part of the backup. The Duplicity part is configured for an sftp transfer in our example, but can be adjusted for other types of operations Duplicity supports.


Give users access to read non-inherited folder permissions

If you have a Windows folder structure with many non-inherited folders, it may be necessary to give a group of users access to read permissions only, to meet requirements from help desk or staff monitoring compliance. Assuming that you have administrator access to the Windows computer, the Powershell-based recipe below may help you:


Fix/reset Windows home folder permissions

Fix/reset Windows home folder permissions

You may experience that your domain users start to complain about not being able to access to their own files/documents in home folders. The problem could be triggered by a help desk or a file migration operation, and it may be solved by fixing/resetting permissions. Here is a recipe:


Change the drive letter of a removable disk

RecipeSometimes it may be necessary to instruct your system not to use a specific drive letter for use by removable storage units like USB memory sticks, card readers or hard drives. As an example, your setup may contain network drive mappings relying on availability of specific letters. The Visual Basic script below takes a drive letter as a parameter, checks if it is mounted as a removable disk and move the letter to the next available letter.

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